企业通过Internet允许员工、客户以及合作伙伴访问企业内部的资源已成为一种趋势,但需要提供一种安全接入机制来保障网络安全。文中分析了SSL VPN网络安全技术的基本原理及其实际应用,通过与IPSec VPN的比较,SSL VPN技术有着显著优点,同时也有其缺陷。指出SSL VPN技术由于拥有全方位的优势,取代传统的组网技术成为主流已为时不远。
It has become a trend for the enterprises to allow their staff, customers and partners to access their private resources through the internet, and this requires a security access mechanism to ensure the network security. The paper analyzes the fundamental theories of SSL VPN network security technology and its practical applications. Its merits are distinct by comparison with IPSec VPN and its shortcomings are also pointed out. It suggests that SSL VPN owing to its all-round superiority, would soon replace the traditional net working and become the dominant network security technology.
Communications Technology