
管状透氧陶瓷膜的高温封接 被引量:2

Sealing of Tubular Ceramic Membrane of Oxygen Permeation at High Temperature
摘要 研究SrCo0.8Fe0.1Sn0.1O3-δ(SSCF)管状透氧陶瓷膜(简称管膜)的高温陶瓷封接剂和金属封接剂的封接性能,其中封接剂采用陶瓷(或金属)粉体和含有机溶剂的粘接剂组成的塑性泥料。研究发现,用硼酸对刚玉管的被接头处进行改性后,高温时可达到封接接头与刚玉管,及其与管膜之间润湿能力的平衡,提高陶瓷封接剂的封接能力。920℃时封接的SSCF管膜样品在长达1000h的氧渗透实验中,没有出现泄漏。此外,银封接材料和SSCF管膜之间具有较好的匹配性;经受4次冷热循环后,使用银接头封接的SSCF管膜样品保持完好。 The investigation of sealing at high temperature for SrCo0.8Fe0.1Sn0.1O3-δ (SSCF) tubular ceramic membrane (abbreviated as TCM) of oxygen permeation by ceramic sealant and metal sealant was performed. The sealant was a kind of plastic paste which contained the binder with organic solution and the powders of the ceramic (or the metal). In the usage of ceramic sealant, it was found that the sealing behavior was improved by using HBO3 solution to wash the end of alumina tube, the jointing place for it to connect the TCM sample of SSCF. The improvement of sealing was due to the wetting capability between the seal joint to alumina tube and it to TCM sample of SSCF being balanced at high temperature. The sealed TCM sample of SSCF had no leakage during 1000 h separating operation at 920 ℃. In the usage of silver sealant, the promising compatibility between seal joint of silver and TCM sample of SSCF led to none broken of membrane after 4-recycle of rapid heating and cooling.
出处 《安徽工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第1期22-26,共5页 Journal of Anhui University of Technology(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(50332040)
关键词 管状陶瓷膜 氧渗透 接头封接剂 tubular ceramic membrane oxygen permeation joint sealant
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