
中国云南省部分农村地区受艾滋病影响的儿童主观生活质量及影响因素研究 被引量:6

Subjective quality of life and associated risk factors among children affected by HIV/AIDS in rural areas in Yunnan,China.
摘要 【目的】探讨中国云南农村地区受艾滋病影响的儿童的主观生活质量及主要影响因素。【方法】用PedsQL^TM 4.0量表评价115名8~17岁受艾滋病影响的儿童的主观生活质量,用SF-36量表评价儿童抚养人生活质量,同时调查可能影响儿童生活质量的人口学特征、家庭社会经济状况、抚养模式、儿童自尊等情况。【结果】儿童自我评价生活质量总分为(73.39±13.35)分(满分100分),其中身体健康领域得分较高,平均为(80.77±17.07)分;而心理健康得分较低,平均为(72.78±13.47)分,特别是学习功能平均得分仅为(68.52±16.19)分。多因素分析结果显示,影响儿童生活质量的主要因素包括儿童致孤类型、抚养人与儿童关系、抚养人陪护儿童时间、儿童是否知晓父母艾滋病感染状态、抚养人生活质量以及儿童自尊。【结论】应该针对这些影响因素开展科学的干预活动,提高受艾滋病影响的儿童的主观生活质量。 [Objective] To explore AIDS in rural areas in Yunnan, China. the quality of life and associated risk factors among children affected by HIV/ [Methods] The quality of life of 115 children aged 8-17 y was evaluated by PedsQLTM 4.0. The quality of life of the childreffs caregivers was also measured using SF-36 scale. Some potential risk factors such as demographic characteristics, family social economic status, foster model, and children's self-esteem etc. were collected. [Results] The total score of child's self-report PedsQL was 73.39±13. 35. The reported PedsQL score in physical health (80.77±17.07) was higher than that in psychosocial health (72.78± 13.47). In the school functioning subseale, the reported PedsQL score was only 68.52±16.19. The result of multivariate regression analysis showed that factors associated with children's quality of life included child's orphan status, the relationship between caregiver and child, the average time that earegiver accompanies child, disclosure of parental HIV status to child, earegiver's quality of life and child's self-esteem. [Conclusion] Scientific interventions aiming at these influencing factors should be developed to improve the quality of life of children affected by HIV/AIDS.
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 2009年第1期17-20,共4页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
基金 美国国立卫生研究院福格底国际中心(NIH/FIC) 中国艾滋病预防多学科培训项目China-ICOHRTA(1U2R TW006918-01)
关键词 生活质量 艾滋病 影响因素 儿童 quality of life HIV/AIDS influencing factors child
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