

The Contemporary American Nature Writers and an Ancient Chinese Poet:A Case in Cross-cultural Communication
摘要 本文旨在对美国当代自然文学作家与中国古代诗人寒山的精神追求、生活方式、写作主题及手法进行比较与评述,从而说明东西方文化在围绕同一主题的交流中所碰撞出的智慧的火花以及跨越时空的震撼力。 This essay attempts to describe and analyze general characteristics shared by contemporary American nature writers and the ancient Chinese poet "Cold Mountain" ( Han-shan), including styles of living as well as mutual themes that bind these "kindred spirits"tngethcr. Through a study of this kind of similarity, we see an experiential vigor and wisdom emerging from encounters with wildness that allow eastern and western cultures to touch if not fully embrace.
作者 程虹
出处 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期68-76,共9页 Journal of Foreign Languages
关键词 美国自然文学 寒山 跨文化交际 American Nature Writing Cold Mountain cross-cultural communication
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