目的研究屈光参差性弱视患者弱视眼与对侧眼的多焦视觉诱发电位(multifocal visual evoked potential,mVEP)的特征性变化。方法采用美国EDI公司生产的VERIS ScienceTM 4.2多焦电生理系统对31例屈光参差性弱视患者、30例正常人双眼分别进行图形mVEP检测,以潜伏期和振幅为分析指标,进行屈光参差性弱视眼、对侧眼和正常对照眼三组mVEP的对比研究。结果在六个离心度上,弱视眼反应振幅密度较其对侧眼和正常眼均显著降低,潜伏期延长(P<0.01)。在六个离心度上弱视眼mVEP的波形异常程度均与弱视眼视力呈负相关(P<0.05),而与屈光参差度之间均无明显相关性(P>0.05)。结论屈光参差性弱视患者mVEP具有特征性改变,表明弱视患者的视皮层与视觉传导通路均存在损害,中心区损害重于周边区,mVEP波形的异常在一定程度上能够反映出弱视患者视力的异常程度。mVEP检查可为弱视的诊断、治疗和预后判断提供客观依据。
Objective To study the characteristic changes in multifocal visual evoked potential (mVEP) in anisometropic ambly- opes. Methods Multifocal pattern VEPs of both eyes of 31 ani- sometropic amblyopes and 30 normal subjects were recorded by a VERIS ScienceTM 4.2 muhifocal visual evoked response imaging sys- tem (EDI Company, USA). The lateneies and amplitudes of the P waves were analyzed. Changes were investigated by comparing the anlblyopic eyes, the fellow eyes of the patients, and normal eyes. Results At six eccentricities, the amplitudes of the P waves of the amblyopic eyes were reduced and the latencies of the P waves were markedly prolonged compared to the fellow eyes and normal eyes hut the abnormalities of the mVEP waveforms were not corre- lated with the degree of anisometropia. Conclusion The results from the mVEP of anisometropic amblyopes showed characteristic changes, indicating the existence of impairment in the visual path- way. The visual acuity of amhlyopic eyes is correlated with the ab- normality of the waveform of the mVEP; worse visual acuity is concomitant with a more abnormal mVEP. These results suggest that mVEP can provide evidence for the diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia.
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology
multifocal visual evoked potential