

The Re-Explanation of the Loss of Local State-Owned Assets
摘要 当前,国有资产流失成为社会的流行语。文章通过对沿海地区L县的实证研究,得出的事实不尽如此。以股份合作制为主体的地方企业改制,实质的"流失"在于资产低评,分解到职工,是让利于民,国外私有化也是这样。深化改制后职工股退出,利益集中到经营者手中,是民有到私有的流失,被误解为国有资产的流失。职工的改制成果得而复失,是过度偏向效率的结果。因此,要保护民有资产,大力培养中产阶层,推进社会结构的转型。 Nowadays, the loss of state-owned assets becomes the focus of the society; this paper makes a empirical analysis on the spot of L county in the coastal area, the results show that the loss of state-owned assets is not true. In the local reform of cooperative stock enterprises, as well as foreign enterprises, the central loss is the low evaluation of assets which was resolved on workers; the benefit was given to the employees. The workers' stock was given up after the second reform of enterprises, and the benefit was concentrated on the managers. The loss from the people-owned assets to the private property is wrongly explained as the loss of the state-owned assets. The workers' fruit of reform lose again is the result of efficiency was excessively emphasized. Therefore, we must protect the people-owned assets and cultivate the middle class in order to improve the social construction.
作者 王国林
出处 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2009年第1期31-33,共3页 Reformation & Strategy
关键词 企业改制 国有资产流失 民有资产 私有资产 reform of enterprise loss of state-owned assets people-owned assets private property
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