
Fixing Geometric Errors on Polygonal Models:A Survey 被引量:5

Fixing Geometric Errors on Polygonal Models:A Survey
摘要 Polygonal models are popular representations of 3D objects. The use of polygonal models in computational applications often requires a model to properly bound a 3D solid. That is, the polygonal model needs to be closed, manifold, and free of self-intersections. This paper surveys a sizeable literature for repairing models that do not satisfy this criteria, focusing on categorizing them by their methodology and capability. We hope to offer pointers to further readings for researchers and practitioners, and suggestions of promising directions for future research endeavors. Polygonal models are popular representations of 3D objects. The use of polygonal models in computational applications often requires a model to properly bound a 3D solid. That is, the polygonal model needs to be closed, manifold, and free of self-intersections. This paper surveys a sizeable literature for repairing models that do not satisfy this criteria, focusing on categorizing them by their methodology and capability. We hope to offer pointers to further readings for researchers and practitioners, and suggestions of promising directions for future research endeavors.
作者 居涛
出处 《Journal of Computer Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2009年第1期19-29,共11页 计算机科学技术学报(英文版)
基金 supported in part by NSF of USA under Grant Nos.CCF-0702662 and DBI-0743691.
关键词 model repair polygonal models GAPS HOLES INTERSECTIONS model repair, polygonal models, gaps, holes, intersections
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