
回收铀分离级联计算 被引量:10

Cascade calculations for separation of recycled uranium
摘要 乏燃料中回收铀的再利用能节省天然铀资源。轻水堆回收铀的分离必须综合考虑铀235的浓缩、铀232的稀释及因铀236引起的燃耗深度损耗的补偿。基于多组分同位素分离级联理论,提出了分离回收铀的几种不同的级联方案。对各种级联方案进行了理论计算。计算结果表明,利用运载气体的双级联方案为最佳的级联方案。 The reuse of recycled uranium form the spent fuel can save the resource of natural uranium. The enrichment of 235U, dilution of 232U and compensation of burning-up depth caused by 236U must be synthetically considered in the separation of recycled uranium form LWR. Based on the cascade theory of multi-component isotope separation, several different cascade schemes for the separation of recycled uranium were presented. Theoretic calculations were conducted for different cascade schemes. The result of calculation shows that the double cascade scheme with a carrier gas is optimum one .
出处 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期61-65,共5页 Nuclear Techniques
关键词 乏燃料 回收铀 多组分级联 同位素 分离 Spent fuel, Recycled uranium, Multi-component cascade, Isotope, Separation
  • 相关文献


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