
RNA干扰技术与对虾病毒病防治 被引量:1

RNA Interference and Its Application in Prevention and Therapy of Shrimp Virus
摘要 RNA干扰,是1种由双链RNA引发的转录后基因沉默现象。作为1种有力的反向遗传学研究工具,RNA干扰被广泛用于阻断各种基因的表达。建立在RNA干扰技术基础上的基因治疗,被认为是治疗病毒性疾病的有效手段。在水产科学领域,RNA干扰在对虾病毒病控制上的应用近几年受到广泛的关注。病毒性疾病已经在世界范围内给对虾养殖业造成了严重的经济损失,目前还没有有效的控制手段。利用RNA干扰技术控制对虾病毒的侵染,是一个很有前途的方法。本文综述RNA干扰技术在对虾病毒病防治中的最新进展,并对RNA干扰技术控制病毒侵染的可能性进行探讨。 RNA interference (RNAi) is a postranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS) mechanism induced by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). As a powerful reverse genetic tool, RNAi has been widely used to silence gene expression in many organisms. RNAi-based gene therapies are proposed as an effective approach to protect organisms from viral diseases. Recently, many attentions have been attracted to RNAi-based gene therapies for controlling shrimp virus in aquieulture. Viral diseases have caused severe economic losses in shrimp culture industry worldwide. However, there is no efficient strategy to control shrimp virus. RNAi-based gene therapies are promising approaches to protect the shrimp from viral infection. In this review, recent progresses of RNAi technology in the control of shrimp virus were presented and the possibilities of RNAi-based gene therapies were summarized.
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期71-76,共6页 Periodical of Ocean University of China
关键词 RNA干扰 对虾 病毒 RNA interference shrimp virus
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