
河北省1021名教师吸烟与控烟状况调查 被引量:11

Study on smoking prevalence and tobacco control among 1021 teachers in Hebei Province
摘要 目的了解河北省教师吸烟与控烟状况。方法抽取河北省3个城市26所大中小学校的一线教师进行面对面问卷调查。结果共调查22~62岁教师1021名,女性无吸烟者,男性吸烟率为25.7%;吸烟者平均每天吸烟12.4支,香烟价格在20元及以下占98.5%;吸烟者在上班时间和在学生面前吸烟的比例分别为86.8%和47.1%,吸烟的主要室内场所是办公室和卫生间;吸烟者有44.1%曾经戒过烟,45.6%有近期戒烟打算。75.8%的教师对学生讲过吸烟的危害,开展过其他控烟相关教学活动的教师比例不到40%;60.5%的教师所在学校实行全部禁烟,17.6%实行部分禁烟,执行禁烟规定好的学校占有禁烟规定学校的56.3%。结论河北省校园内存在不同程度的教师吸烟现象,应加大对学校特别是大、中学校控烟干预和监督力度。 Objective To understand the characteristics of smoking prevalence and tobacco control among teachers in Hebei Province. Methods The teachers were selected from 26 schools and colleges in 3 cities. All data were collected by investigators, using a face-to-face questionnaire method. Results 1021 teachers aged 22-62 years were studied. The current smoking rate among the teachers was 0 for females and 25.7% for males. The smokers consumed 12.4 cigarettes every day on average and the price of cigarettes that 98.5% of smokers used was below 20 RMB per pack. 86. 8% of the smokers smoked at work time and 47. 1% of them smoked in front of their students. The main places where the teachenrs took cigarettes in buildings were teacher' s offices and toilets. 44. 1% of the smokers had tried quitting for at least one time and 45.6% of them were planning to quit smoking in the near future. 75. 8% of the teachers had taught their sudents about the smoking harm, but less than 40% of them had taken activities to prevent students from smoking. The pro- portion of schools or colleges that had absolute or conditional smoking ban was 60. 5% and 17.6% , respectively, but only 56. 3% of them had carried out the anti-smoking provision strictly. Conclusion There were phenomena of smoking among teachers at different degrees in schools and colleges in Hebei Province. Efforts on tobacco control, intervention, and supervision must be strengthened, especially in middle schools and colleges.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2009年第1期23-26,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 卫生部2007年度烟草控制项目
关键词 教师 吸烟 控烟 Teachers Smoking Tobacco control
  • 相关文献


  • 1World Health Organization. 10 facts on tobacco and second-hand smoke[ EB]. http://www. who. int,2007 -05 -31.
  • 2卫生部履行《烟草控制框架公约》领导小组办公室.2008年中国近代制吸烟报告[R].北京:中国卫生部,2008.











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