When Jin Wen-gong dominated central plains, emperor Zhou Xiang-wang called him "uncle".This appellation was based on the brotherly relations between Zhou Cheng-wang, the ancestor of Zhou Xiang-wang, and Shu Yu,the ancestor of Jin Wen-gong. Zhou Xiang-wang dropped his generation to call Jin Wen-gong uncle. After Huang Chi pledge meeting ,emperor Zhou Jing-wang called Wu King Fu Chai "uncle".The cultural origin could be traced back to the elder brother's name of Tai Bo and Zhong Yong who were older than Ji Li during the time of Zhou Tribe before the building of Zhou Dynasty in the late of Shang Dynasty. According to the sequence of generation, Zhou Wen-wang (JI Chang), the immediate ancestors of Zhou Jing-wang, called Tai Bo and Zhong Yong "uncle" at that time. Therefore, Zhou Jing-wang omitted various procedures of computing generations and also dropped his generation to call Wu King Fu Chai, the heir of Tai Bo,"uncle". This just formed a sharp contrast with Zhou Xiang-wang who called Jin Wen-gong "uncle" in former days. During the patriarchal clan system society in which politics merged with patriarchal clan and family with country,the formation of such differences completely owed to the different ancestral status of the two countries in the patriarchal relations.
Academic Journal of Jinyang
Wu Kingdom
Jin Kingdom
both being the posterity of Zhou Dynasty