
孤独症相关的发病因素 被引量:1

Related pathogenic factors of autism spectrum disorders
摘要 孤独症是儿童时期广泛性发育障碍中最为典型和常见的一种疾病,以严重孤独、缺乏情感反应、语言发育障碍、刻板重复动作和对环境奇特的反应为特征。孤独症对儿童产生明显的影响,如学习障碍、人际交往困难、自我伤害行为等,是一类由多因素导致的综合征,一般在3岁前发病。该文通过X染色体、结节性硬化症、钙离子依赖的分泌激活蛋白2、GRIR2基因、SLC25A12基因以及一些母亲自身抗体来探讨染色体和基因与孤独症的相关性,并从围生期孕妇和胎儿情况、双亲精神病史和家庭经济条件、麻疹风疹腮腺炎三联疫苗接种史方面探讨孤独症相关的发病因素。 Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is one of most typical and common pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) in childhood and is characterized by serious loneliness, lack of emotional response, developmental disorder of language, monotonous repetition of action and peculiar reaction on environment. It may affect children' s functional development, such as learning disorder, interpersonal difficulties and self-destructive behaviors. It is a syndrome caused by multi-factors and develops in children under 3 years of age. This article explored relationships of chromosomes and genes with the disease from some aspects such as X chromosome, tuberous sclerosis, Ca2+ - dependent activator protein for secretion 2, GRIK2 gene and SLC25A12 gene and maternal autoantibodies, and investigate related pathogenic factors of autism spectrum disorders from some aspects such as perinatal maternal and fetal factors, history of psychosis of parents, family economic condition , measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR) vaccination history and so on.
作者 崔盈 古桂雄
出处 《中国妇幼健康研究》 2009年第1期75-78,共4页 Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
关键词 孤独症 发病因素 儿童 广泛性发育障碍 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) pathogenic factor children pervasive developmental disorder
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