
Effect of (+)-limonene and 1-methoxy-2-propanol on Ips typographus response to pheromone blends 被引量:1

Effect of (+)-limonene and 1-methoxy-2-propanol on Ips typographus response to pheromone blends
摘要 我们比较了二不同策略增加 Ips typographus (L.) 的钩子,特别地男性,在引诱 pheromone 的陷井。第一这些策略,障碍途径,使用的轮流出现的外激素混合,指向的男性和女性分别地,在空间得仔细的陷井形成,在森林附近的一个障碍站。第二策略,单个陷井途径,使用都与一样的诱惑被引诱并且没有妥协女性套住,打算套住男性的最高可能的数字的空间得广泛地的陷井。首先在为障碍陷井使用的混合指向男性,与一个更低的百分比(4S )-cis-verbenol (cV ) ,(− )-α-pinene 是与以 0% , 1% , 10% , 35% , 60% 和 90% 的率的(+) 柠檬油精明智的代替的步。这代替没在反应的数字上有重要效果我。typographus 男性,但是抓住的男性的百分比上有细微效果。在为指向女性的障碍陷井的引诱剂混合,与 cV 的一个更高的百分比, 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MB ) 至于男性特定的混合以一种类似的方式被 1-methoxy-2-propanol (MP ) 代替。代替显著地没影响女性的钩子。因此,没有重要变化,在钩子功效与 cV 和 ipsdienol 在混合使用 MP 是可能的。在为单个陷井的混合,(− )-α- pinene 与 MP 被(+) 柠檬油精和 MB 代替。代替(− )-α-pinene 在男性,而是结果的百分比上有仅仅细微效果建议有在混合的 MP 的那代替的 MB 显著地不减少套住功效。 We compared two different strategies to increase the catches oflps typographus (L.), particularly males, in pheromone-baited traps. The first of these strategies, the barrier approach, used alternating pheromone blends, targeting males and females respectively, in closely-spaced traps forming a barrier around forest stands. The second strategy, the single trap approach, used widely-spaced traps that were all baited with the same lure and intended to trap the highest possible numbers of males without compromising trapping of females. In the blend used for the barrier traps targeting primarily males, with a lower percentage of (4S)-cis-verbenol (cV), the (-)-α-pinene was replaced step wise with (+)-limonene at rates of 0%, 1%, 10%, 35%, 60% and 90%. This replacement had no significant effect on the numbers of responding 1. typographus males, but there was a slight effect on the percentage of males caught. In the attractant blend for the barrier traps targeting females, with a higher percentage of cV, the 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MB) was replaced with 1-methoxy-2-propanol (MP) in a similar fashion as for the male-specific blends. The replacement did not significantly affect the catch of females. Thus, it is pos- sible to use the MP in the blend with cV and ipsdienol without significant change in catch efficacy. In the blends for single traps, the (-)-α- pinene was replaced with (+)-limonene and MB with MP. The replacement of (-)-α-pinene had only a slight effect on the percentage of males, but the results suggest that replacing MB with MP in the blend will not significantly reduce trapping efficacy.
出处 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第1期37-44,共8页 林业研究(英文版)
基金 supported by Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV-51-P06005 and APVV-27-P05205) the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2/6153/26)
关键词 信息素陷阱障碍 单一陷阱 信息素混合 森林 pheromone trap barrier single traps (4S)-cis-verbenol 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (-)-α-pinene
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