
河北省骨科医院尺桡骨骨折的流行病学调查 被引量:13

An epidemiological survey of radial and ulnar fractures in Hebei Orthopaedics Hospital
摘要 目的调查河北省骨科医院尺桡骨骨折病例的流行病学状况。方法由8人组成的调查组人医院影像资料室和病案室调集2005年1月1日至2007年6月30日全部尺桡骨骨折病例,设计调查表进行相关因素的登记,对尺桡骨骨折的流行特征及2年半来发生情况进行动态分析。结果河北省骨科医院2005年1月1日至2007年6月30日共收治尺桡骨骨折病例6430例,其中男3885例,女2545例;左侧3327例,右侧3147例,其中包括双侧同时骨折者44例。少年儿童多见,骨折以跌倒扭伤为主;尺桡骨骨折患病率随年龄增长呈下降趋势,0~10岁儿童为发生尺桡骨骨折的高峰年龄;时间上来看,2年半间本院尺桡骨骨折患病率总体上保持平稳趋势(P〉0.05),男性尺桡骨骨折患病率呈上升趋势,女性年均下降,但性别差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。尺桡骨骨折发生季节分布结果表明,冬季是尺桡骨骨折的高发季节。结论河北省骨科医院尺桡骨骨折病例2年半来呈平稳趋势,预防的重点人群为青少年、儿童和老年人。 Objective To investigate the epidemiologic characteristics of radial and ulnar fractures treated from January 1st, 2005 to June 30th, 2007 in Hebei Orthopaedics Hospital. Methods Eight residents from the Orthopaedic Department collected all the medical records and X ray images of the radial and ulnar fractures treated in our hospital during the above mentioned time. They investigated and recorded data concerning the age, gender, occupation, time of injury, fracture site, fracture type, complications, treatments chosen, examination results and healing time of the patients investigated. Linear regression method was used to analyze the recorded data of the patients. Results They collected 6430 fractures (3885 males and 2545 females) . 3283 fractures affected the left side, 3103 the right side, and 44 patients had fractures at both sides. There were more children victims than adult ones. A trend analysis showed the radial and ulnar frac- tures presented a wave trend with the increase of age, reaching its peaks in the age groups of 0 to 10 years and 20 to 30 years. We also found that during the past 2 years the male cases were on the increase while the female cases on the decrease, though no significant difference was found between them ( P 〉 0.05) . Radial and ulnar fractures occurred more in winter. Conclusions The incidence of radial and ulnar fractures during the past 2 years in Hebei Orthopaedics Hospital shows a stable trend. Children, juvenile and the old are populations that need more attention to prevent radial and ulnar fractures.
出处 《中华创伤骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 2009年第1期37-40,共4页 Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
基金 基金项目:河北省科技攻关项目(07216161D-90)
关键词 尺骨骨折 桡骨骨折 流行病学 横断面研究 Ulna fractures Radius fractures Epidemiology Cross-sectional studies
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