
武警某部队极重体力劳动者营养状况分析 被引量:1

Nutrition status of very heavy physical laborers of Chinese People' s Armed Police Force
摘要 目的了解武警部队某支队食物供给情况及战士(极重体力劳动者)的营养状况。方法选择该支队4个中队进行调查,膳食调查采用连续3d称重法,能量消耗采用时间活动法。结果①受调查的4个中队内每人的劳动强度均为极重,每日能量消耗为17.19-19.01MJ;每人每日能量摄入量为14.06-22.29MJ,除一中队和四中队高于能量消耗外,其他两中队均低于能量消耗。能量来源分布,脂肪和蛋白质分别占33%-41%和16%-18%,明显高于军标。碳水化合物占43%-49%,明显低于军标。②食物结构调查显示,各中队谷类摄入均不能达标;蔬菜摄入除四中队达标外,其他均不能达标。鱼类一中队和三中队不能达标;肉类摄入均高于标准。每人每日蛋白质摄入量为147.72-213.46g,脂肪摄入量为132.58-243.65g;植物性脂肪占33.68%-58.70%,除四中队达标外,其他中队均不能达标。③矿物质和维生素摄人量中,二中队和三中队钙、维生素B2和维生素C不能达标,维生素B2摄入量为1.89-2.91mg,4个中队均不能达标。各中队纤维素摄入量为5.32-9.90g,均明显达不到推荐适宜摄入量。结论该支队食物结构欠合理,肉类摄入偏高。建议合理调整膳食结构,适量增加谷类和蔬菜的摄入量。 Objective To investigate the dietary supply and nutritional status of the soldiers, very heavy physical laborers, of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces (CPAPF). Methods Four companies of CPAPF in Tianjin, including 344 soldiers aged around 20 engaged in normal military training with very heavy labor intensity, underwent survey of food supply by weighting the raw materials and calculating the personal intake levels of energy, protein, carbohydrate, and fat by time-motion method. The results were compared with the recommended military standards. Results:①The daily energy expenditure of a soldier in these 4 selected companies were 17.19-19.01 MJ. The daily energy expenditure levels of the soldiers of 2 of the companies were higher than their energy intake (14.06-22.29 MJ). Fat and protein accounted for 33%-41% and 16%-18% of the total calories respectively, both remarkably higher than the requirements in the military standards. Carbohydrate accounted for 43%-49% of the total calories, lower than the requirement in the military standards.②The survey of dietary structure showed that the cereal intake failed to reach the military standard and the meat intake exceeded the standards, the fish intake and vegetable intake levels of 3 of the 4 companies failed to reach the standards. The daily intake of protein was147.72-213.46g and the fat intake was 132.58- 243.65g, both exceeding the standards, and the intake of fat of plant origin accounted for 33.68%-58.70%, lower than the requirement of the military standards, except in one company. ③The daily intake levels of calcium, vitamin B2 and vitamin C of 2 of the 4 companies all failed to reach the standards. The daily intake of vitamin B1 failed to reach the standard in all 4 companies. The daily intake of fiber was 5.32-9.90g, lower than the recommended nutrient intake. Conclusion The dietary structure of the CPAPF soldiers is still not rational. The intake of fat and meat are on the high sides. It is necessary to adjust the dietary constitution and increase the vegetables and cereals intake.
出处 《中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志》 2009年第1期33-35,共3页 China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine
关键词 膳食结构 营养状况 营养素 Soldiers Dietary constitution Nutritional status Nutrients
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