The writer classified the nappe tectonic in Fujian into three basic Patterns in accordance with their position and strata behavior involved. They are the basement overthrusting, the inner cover dissociating and the inner cover overthruting nappe structures. Acletailed study has been made on their developing characters. It is noted that the most common structure patterns may be the overthrusting and the inner cover dissociating nappe structures, which have agreat influence on the tectonic framework of Fujian. The nappe strttctares are originated under the action of a continuing compressive stress in the direction from northwest to southeast, with intermit tency and multiphase. Their principal pericds of origination were in Indo-Chinese and early Yanshanian epochs. They continued to overthrust in later Yanshanian and concluded in Cretaceous.The writer also discusses the originating and developing patterns of the nappe tectonic with his recent viewpoint.
Geology of Fujian