
Cajal细胞和一氧化氮合酶表达阳性神经元在慢传输便秘大鼠结肠中的分布 被引量:1

Distribution of interstitial cells of Cajal and NOS positive neurons in the colon of rats with slow transit constipation.
摘要 目的研究Cajal细胞和一氧化氮合酶(NOS)表达阳性神经元在慢传输便秘(STC)大鼠结肠中的分布。方法便秘大鼠结肠组织全层铺片和冰冻切片的NADPH-黄递酶(NADPH-d)组织化学法和C-kit免疫细胞化学双重染色。结果便秘大鼠结肠肌间丛内NOS阳性神经元分布较稀疏,数量减少,染色深浅不一,节间纤维较细小,染色较淡;Cajal细胞分布极不均匀,有的视野密集,突起连接杂乱,有的视野稀少,突起不能相互连接形成网络。NADPH-d组织化学和C-kit免疫细胞化学双重染色未发现二者的共存,但可见C-kit阳性细胞及突起存在于NOS表达阳性神经元附近。结论STC肌间神经丛的抑制性神经递质NO可能有调节Cajal细胞的功能。 Objective To investigate the distribution of interstitial cells of Cajal(ICCs) and NOS positive neurons in the colon of rats with slow transit constipation. Methods Colon samples from slow transit constipation rats were collectd for the preparation of whole-mount preparations and cryo-sections examined by histochemistry for NADPH-diaphorase,and immunocytochemistry for C-kit receptor tyrosine kinase.Results NOS positive neurons were significantly reduced and had lighter immunostainning in the colon of rats with slow transit constipation.ICCs were not well-distributed,the number of ICCs in some area increased but decreased in other area.Although no colocalization of ICCs and NOS positive neurons was found by double-stainning of whole-mount preparations and cryo-sections,they were closely distributed.Conclusion Our results show that NO released by mysenteric plexus,an inhibitory neurotransmitter, may possess the function of regulating ICCs.
出处 《云南医药》 CAS 2008年第6期531-533,共3页 Medicine and Pharmacy of Yunnan
关键词 一氧化氮合酶 CAJAL细胞 慢传输便秘 Slow transit constipation Rat colon Cajal cell NOS positive neuron
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