
外商投资动机对区位选择的影响——基于昆山台资企业问卷调查的研究 被引量:1

The Impact of Investment Motives on Location Choice:Based on Questionnaire Research of Taiwan Residents Firms in Kunshan
摘要 本文在考察外商投资动机与区位选择关系的基础上,根据对昆山台资企业问卷调查的第一手资料,实证分析了昆山台资企业投资的基本动机和选择在昆山投资主要看重的区位因素。结果表明,市场导向型、成本导向性、垄断优势导向型与竞争合作导向型的台资企业分别偏重市场、成本、政策服务与投入供应配套的区位因子。不同规模、不同产品类型的企业也有着截然不同的区位偏好。在上述发现的基础上,本文对利用和管理外资提出了相应的启示。 This paper firstly studies the correlation between FDI investment motives and location choice. Based on questionnaire research of Taiwan Residents firms in Kunshan, We empirically analysis the basic motive of their investment and the location factors. The result indicates that market oriented, cost oriented, monopoly superiority oriented and strategy oriented firms favor the market, cost, service and supply factors separately. And different scales and product type's enterprise has different location preference. Based on above findings, this paper presents managerial implication accordingly.
作者 韩剑
机构地区 南京大学商学院
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第23期19-25,共7页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 教育部(应急)项目"经济全球化与中国改革开放的历史进程和基本经验研究"的阶段性研究成果 批准号:2008JYJ007 南京大学商学院青年基金的资助。
关键词 投资动机 区位选择 问卷调查 investment motives location choice questionnaire research
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