目的:了解师范大学新生对艾滋病相关知识的掌握程度和态度,探讨针对该人群有效的艾滋病宣传教育方式,为学校开展预防艾滋病的健康教育提供依据。方法:采取整群抽样的方法,对某师范大学1 839名新生进行匿名自填式问卷调查。结果:调查对象中,对艾滋病血液传播、性传播和母婴传播知晓率分别为99.0%、98.9%、76.7%。但多数大学生不知道一些非传播途径,蚊虫叮咬不传播艾滋病知晓率比较低,女生比男生知晓率低(32.4%∶37.9%,χ2=6.000,P=0.014),和艾滋病病人共用毛巾、衣物不传播艾滋病知晓率只有69.4%。9.1%的师范大学新生认为自己处于感染艾滋病的危险中;同意艾滋病人应该隔离的占20.6%,愿意和艾滋病人共同进餐(食同一盘菜)仅有33.7%。获取艾滋病知识的主要来源于电视广播、报刊杂志及学校或老师,分别占85.3%、84.9%、82.8%。结论:师范大学新生对艾滋病传播途径的知晓率较高,但部分非传播途径知晓率仍较低,开展艾滋病相关知识宣传教育仍十分必要,特别是要加强艾滋病非传播途径知识的健康教育。学校应加强艾滋病健康教育的力度以提高对艾滋病的认识水平。
Objective : To find out the status of the knowledge associated with AIDS risk factors and attitudes towards them among freshmen in normal university for seeking to approach the health education of this disease and providing essential preventive interventions for the students. Methods : By cluster sampling methods, 1839 students recruited from a normal university in Anhui province finished conducting the self-response questionnaires anonymously. Results: The knowledge on the major routes of transmission as blood transfusion, sexual behavior and maternal-neonatal transmission ranked from 99.0 %, 98.9 % and 76.7 %, respectively, and yet, a majority of the students were poor about the risk factors of indirect transmission by mosquito bites, the ratio of male to female students was 37.9% vs 32.4%, X^2=6.000, P =0.014). Realization that shared towels or clothes with HIV patients would fail to transmit the disease accounted for 69.4 %. 9.1% from the freshmen believed that they were in danger of being affected by the disease. 20.6% of the participants insisted that patients with AIDS be isolated, but 33.7 % seemed caring nothing about sharing dinner service with HIV patients. The major existing sources on the related knowledge about AIDS from the TV and broadcasting programs, newspapers and magazines, lectures of spreading the knowledge from school authorities or teachers were listed with 85.3 %, 84.9 % and 82.8 %, respectively. Conclusion: Though freshmen in normal university have had a good knowledge about AIDS spreading, they seem failed to learn about the indirect routs of transmission, nevertheless, the health education on the disease is essential, and in particular, focused on the indirect routs of AIDS spreading. School authorities sbould spare no efforts to support the freshmen with the involved knowledge.
Journal of Wannan Medical College
acquired immunodeficieney syndrome ( AIDS )
college student
transmission route