
CLAM钢的钨极氩弧焊及焊接后的结构与性能 被引量:8

The microstructure and mechanical properties of China low activation martensitic steel joined by tungsten inert gas welding
摘要 利用钨极氩弧焊(TIG)焊接方法对中国自行研制的低活化铁素体/马氏体(CLAM)钢进行焊接试验,分别采用了Y型坡口和双Y型坡口两种焊接工艺。对焊接件各部分的硬度和显微结构进行测试分析,利用透射电镜观测材料的微观形貌并进行析出物相分析,以此对CLAM钢的焊接性能进行初步评价。观察发现,焊缝区没有产生缩孔和裂纹;焊缝区和母材的微观形貌主要为板条马氏体,板条宽度约为600nm,其析出物均为20~200nm的M23C6型碳化物;经过焊后热处理,焊缝区、热影响区和母材的硬度之间的差别减小。 China low activation martensitic steel was joined by tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding. Two different types, notches-Y type and pair Y type were experienced. The microstructure of the welded samples was investigated through optical micrographs and TEM. Vickers hardness measurement was preformed to investigate the change of the mechanical properties by TIG welding. No significant defects could be found in the wel- ded zone. The microstructure of the welded zone and the base metal are 600 nm-wide martensitic lath. M23C6 particles are the predominant type of carbides, 20-200 nm in size of irregular shape. After the post-weld heat treatment, the difference of Vickers hardness was small among the welded metal, the heat affected zone and the base metal.
出处 《核科学与工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期354-361,共8页 Nuclear Science and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50771017) 973基金资助项目(2007ID102)
关键词 CLAM钢 钨极氩弧焊 微观结构 维氏硬度 CLAM TIG microstructure vickers hardness
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