

Causes of Thunderclap Headache and Diagnostic Assessment
摘要 爆裂样头痛是一种突发的严重头痛,是一种不常见的头痛类型。由于这类头痛常伴有严重的脑部疾病,因此及时识别和正确诊断相当重要。文章对其病因和诊断评价进行了综述。 Thunderclap headache is a sudden severe headache. It is an uncommon type of headache. Identifying it in time and accurate diagnosis are very important because this type of headache is often complicating serious cerebral diseases. This article reviews its causes and diagnostic assessments.
出处 《国际脑血管病杂志》 2008年第12期926-930,共5页 International Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases
关键词 爆裂样头痛 病因学 诊断评价 thunderclap headache cause diagnostic assessment
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