The problem of the crisis of Europe was one of the core problems in Husserl's later years' thought. This crisis was however not the political crisis of the realism, but an all - dimensional theoretical crisis. Because the modern science started to be mathemtization of nature, thereby emerged an objective science of naturalism. Husserl thought it destroied the thinking mode, and tht worst result was the life - world is totally forgotten. In Husserl's opinion, the scientific world was at most a theoretical coat measured against life - world, it only functions as a decoration, while this coat was regarded as the world itself and thus leading to the forgetfulness of the life - world. It seemed to Husserl that the life - world was the basis of the science, without the basis, science would inevitably fall into crisis, this is also the total origin of the crisis of Europe. Accordingly. the only wav to survive and save the crisis is to return to the life -world.
Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
the crisis of Europe
life - world