
应用简便逆转录环介导等温扩增方法检测麻疹病毒核酸 被引量:5

Application of a simple method for the detection of measles virus genome by Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
摘要 目的应用简便快速的核酸检测新方法——逆转录环介导等温扩增方法(RT-LAMP)检测麻疹病毒核酸,并与巢式逆转录多聚酶链式反应(nest-RT-PCR)方法进行比较。方法比较RT-LAMP方法与nest-RT-PCR方法对吉林省历年麻疹病毒分离株以及临床疑似麻疹咽试子中麻疹病毒核酸检测的检出率。结果两种方法对23株麻疹分离株麻疹病毒核酸阳性检出率均达到100%。针对18份麻疹病毒分离阴性的临床疑似麻疹咽试子分别利用RT-LAMP和巢式RT-PCR两种方法进行麻疹核酸检测,RT-LAMP方法阳性率为56.52%,巢式RT-PCR方法阳性率为47.83%。结论RT-LAMP方法比巢式nest-RT-PCR方法更敏感。 Objective A new simple RT-LAMP method was applied to detect measles virus nucleic acid and compared with nest-RT-PCR. Methods Compare the detection rate of the RT-LAMP method with that of nest- RT-PCR by detecting measles virus nucleic acid from measles virus and clinical samples. Results The nucleic acid positive rates of all 23 strains of measles virus are all 100% by the two methods. But to the detection of 18 clinical samples which are negative in measles isolation, the nest-RT-LAMP showed 56.52 % positive rate of nucleic acid of measles virus and nest-RT-PCR showed 47.83% .Conclusion RT-LAMP is more sensitive than nest-RT- PCR.
出处 《中华实验和临床病毒学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期403-405,共3页 Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Virology
基金 吉林省科技发展计划项目(200705492)
关键词 环介导等温扩增 麻疹病毒 核酸类 Loop-mediated isothermal amplificatcon Measles virus Nucleic acids
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