Objective To study the effects of acute weak vagus nerve stimulation on hippocampal CA1 unit dischar- and regularly epileptiform discharging (n = 10) groups. The normal rat group: Separate the left neck vagus nerve and ligate the peripheral end. Acute weak electrical stimulation (10 Hz, 0.5 ms, 1.5 -5.0 V, 15-20 unit/train) were administered to the left neck vagus nerve central end. 20 trains were performed with a regular interval of 5 min. Record the unit discharges of right hippocampal CA1 and field potentials of bilateral hippocampal CA1. The epileptiform discharging group: Gelatin spongia was put onto the left cortex to induce epileptiform discharges. After 30 min stable regularly discharging, continue the procedure in the first group. Results Cyclical theta oscillation (about 3 -6. 5 Hz) appeared in bilateral hippocampal CA1 of normal rats after the stimulation ( strain m =5 -7, 38/45,84.4% ). With oscillation, there is unit discharging and theta-off(n = 5). The sharp wave amplitude was inhibited while the sharo . It has two kinds : theta-on ( n = 30) wave interval increased following the acute weak vagus nerve stimulation( n = 10) in epileptiform discharging rats. Theta oscillation was induced during the sharp wave. With oscillation, there is tonic unit discharging ( n = 10). The number of action potential spikes positively correlate with the sharp wave intervals ( P 〈 O. 001 ), but there was no correlation with sharp wave potential amplitude. Conclusion Inhibition of epileptiform activity induced by the acute weak stimulation maybe explained by the appearing of theta oscillation. The theta-on cell is very important to the field sharp waves frequency inhibition.
Basic and Clinical Medicine