46 (92 sides) maxillary speciments, ranging from 12-40 weeks of embryonic age, were sectioned in the coronal plane and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and then observed by histo-logical method. The results were as follows : The primordial maxillary sinus began its development at about 20-22 weeks of fetal life, was formed by extensions or evaginations of the eth-moidal infundibulum, and located laterally to the lateral wall of the middle nasal meatus. The os-teoplate between the maxillary sinus and the inferior wall of the orbit was thin and ossified late. The ostium was located at the apex of the maxillary sinus, and with increasing of age, the unci-nate angle decreased, directed laterally and downwards ethmodial infundibulum. and approached a horizontal level. At birth the maxillary sinus was on the average . 3. 0×5. 0×6. 5 mm in size. The epithelium of the maxillary sinus was cuboidal or low columnar in shape. Cilia was sparse. The tunica propria was thick, loose, less vascular and glandular. The results suggest that although the maxillary sinus presented at birth, its mucous membrane was thick and its cavity was small. The sinus was closely adjacent to the orbit. The histologic features of the mucous membrane in the maxillary sinus were somewhat different from those of the nasal mucous membrane.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy
maxillary sinus
embryonic development