
近30年来中国铁路运输重心空间演变轨迹分析 被引量:8

Space evolvement track of railway transportation gravity center in recent 30 years in China
摘要 利用1978-2005年的铁路运输数据,从客运量、客运周转量、货运量和货运周转量4个方面,对我国铁路运输的重心空间变化进行了测定和分析。结果发现:(1)客运量重心在逐步向西、南方向移动,其中向西移动了2,°向南移动了2.6°,揭示了我国铁路客运周转量在南北和东西方向上的差距有所减小,且南北方向差距减小的速度要比东西方向快。(2)客运周转量重心呈直线形逐步向西南方向移动,其中,重心向西移动了2.3°,向南移动了2.9,°揭示了我国铁路客运周转量在南北和东西方向上的差距有所减小,且南北方向差距减小的速度要比东西方向快。(3)货运量重心在向西南方向移动但波动较大。(4)货运周转量重心变化轨迹略呈指数型,自1978年以来重心在逐步向西南方向移动,其中,重心向西移动了2.6,°向南移动了1.2°,揭示了货运周转量差异在东西和南北方向上都有所减小,且东西差异减小速度要比南北差异减小的快。 Based on the railway transportation data from 1978 meters, fi'eight traffic, freight ton kilometers were analyzed in to 2005, the four targets passenger, passenger kiloorder to measure and evaluate the variation track of railway transportation gravity center. The results are as follows: (1)The variation track of railway passenger gravity center was moving to southwest step by step, the gravity center was moved to west by 2 o and to south by 2.6°, this shows that the disparities of railway passenger between the south and the north was decreasing, the disparities of railway passenger between the west and the east is decreasing too, the former decreasing rate was larger than that of the later. (2)The variation track of railway passenger kilometers gravity center was moving to southwest step by step, the gravity center moved to west by 2.3° and to south by 2.9°, this shows that the disparities of railway passenger kilometers between the south and the north was decreasing, the disparities of railway passenger kilometers between the west and the east was decreasing too, the former decreasing rate was larger than that of the later. (3) The variation track of railway freight traffic gravity center was moving to southwest, but the variation track changes were more complicated and passed through three phases. In the first phase, the variation track of railway freight traffic gravity center was moving to southwest step by step from 1978 to 1996, the gravity center was moved to west by 1.3 ° and to south by 0.7°, this shows that the disparities of railway freight traffic between the south and the north was decreasing, the disparities of railway passenger between the west and the east was decreasing too, the later decreasing rate is larger than that of the former. From 1997 to 1999, the variation track of railway freight traffic gravity center changes entered another phase. It was moving to north sharply, because of the decrease of railway freight in Shanghai and Guangxi Province. From 2000 to 2004, which was the third phase, the variation track of railway freight traffic gravity center was moving to southwest step by step, and in 2005, it was moving to north again. (4)The variation track of railway freight ton - kilometers gravity center was moving to southwest since 1978, the variation track was like the variation of index, the gravity center was moved to west by 2.6°and to south by 1. 2 °, this shows that the disparities of railway freight ton - kilometers between the west and the east was decreasing, the disparities of railway freight ton - kilometers between the south and the north was decreasing too, the former decreasing rate was larger than that of the later.
出处 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期119-124,共6页 Arid Land Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金(40771019)
关键词 铁路运输 重心 演变轨迹 中国 railway transportation gravity center evolvement track China
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