
基于MAS的飞机健康管理专家系统设计 被引量:3

Design of Aircraft Health Management Expert Based on MAS
摘要 针对地面机务维护的需要,设计实现了基于MAS(Multi-Agent System,MAS)的飞机健康管理专家系统。系统分析了飞机健康管理专家系统的方案,采用3层Browser/Server体系结构,将基于案例推理和基于规则的不确定性推理的预测方法引入飞机健康管理专家系统,详细介绍了系统功能及关键技术的实现。地面机务维护部门使用结果表明飞机健康专家系统达到了减少地面维护时间和增加飞机使用寿命的目的。 Aimed at the actuality need of ground maintenance, aircraft health management expert system was designed based on Multi-Agent system. The project was analysis in detail. Three layers Browser/Server architecture was adopted, the method based on the rule-based uncertainty reasoning and case-based reasoning in the field of aircraft health management system were also accepted in the system. The function and the main implementation technique of the system were described in detail. The result declared that the system we designed had got the aim to cut down maintenance time and lengthen the life-span of aircraft.
出处 《微计算机信息》 2009年第3期17-19,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 MAS 飞机健康管理 案例推理 不确定性推理 MAS Aircraft health management Case-based reasoning Uncertainly reasoning
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