
实值GEESE算法对相干信号的DOA估计 被引量:2

Estimation of Signal’s DOA by Real-Valued GEESE Alogrithm
摘要 本文基于信号子空间特征向量的广义特征值算法(Generalized Eigenvalues Utilizing Signal Subspace Eigenvectors,GEESE),结合空间平滑技术和实值分解技术,提出一种实值GEESE算法。通过结合空间平滑技术,较好的解决了信号源相关的来波方向(DOA)估计问题;通过结合实值分解技术,降低了计算量,并且提高了算法的精度。计算机仿真结果表明,采用了实值技术的算法对相干信号的DOA估计有估计精度高,计算量小的特点。 In this paper,a real-valued GEESE algorithm is proposed which combines spatial smoothing technique .Combining with spatial smoothing, the GEESE alogtithm solves the problem of DOA which caused by coherent signals and adjacent signals. Based on real-valued decomposition technique, the GEESE alogtithm has less quantity of calculation than before. The simulations have proved that this algorithm is effective for estimating the DOA of coherent signals and adjacent signals. This algorithm also reduces the quantity of calculation.
作者 李翔 王辉
出处 《微计算机信息》 2009年第3期270-271,共2页 Control & Automation
关键词 信号子空间特征向量的广义特征值算法 空间平滑技术 实值分解技术 来波方向 Generalized Eigenvalues Utilizing Signal Subspace Eigenvectors Algorithm Real-Valued Decomposition Technique Spatial Smoothing Technique Direction Of Arrival
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