
企业战略变革动因理论的述评与展望 被引量:15

Reviews and Advances in the Theories of Strategic Change Antecedences
摘要 外部环境变化和组织演化是推动企业战略变革的重要力量。战略变革动因理论研究围绕着这两种变化之间动态力量转移而不断发展与完善。本文从组织与环境间动态匹配的视角,回顾了战略变革动因理论的发展历程,阐述了这些理论产生的历史背景和研究假设,并结合最新研究进展初步地指出了未来研究方向,以期推动运用行为科学方法对战略变革动因进行系统研究。 Changes in both external environments and internal contexts are critical forces to drive strategic change. Recently, central agendas in the theories of strategic change are shifting from focus on change outside to equal focus on both external to internal changes. This paper, after reviewing the vein of the existing theories of strategic change antecedences from a dynamic matching view of organizational and environmental changes, points out the historical contexts resulting in these theories, suggests that the co-evolutionary perspective opens up the landscape of current theories of strategic change antecedences, and the future research will pay more attention to the antecedences' dynamic integration under the co-evolutionary mechanism for Chinese firms' rapid growth.
作者 潘安成
出处 《预测》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期1-8,共8页 Forecasting
基金 高校博士点专项基金资助项目(20070141030) 教育部人文社会科学规划基金资助项目(07JA630019) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70673010)
关键词 战略变革 动因理论 述评 展望 strategic change antecedences reviews advances
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