
P2P环境下基于双层代理的服务发现模型 被引量:1

Two-layered Agent Based Model for Service Discover in P2P Environment
摘要 以集中式注册中心为核心的面向服务体系结构和以服务提供商为中心的服务组织模式容易导致用户发现和订阅服务的难度随着服务的增加而增加。针对上述问题,该文提出一种P2P环境下基于双层代理的语义Web服务发现模型。该模型通过双层代理机制实现基于语义的Web服务的发现和匹配,并提供服务质量协商机制。实验表明该模型具有较高的查全率和查准率。 Service oriented architecture organizes services in a provider-centric manner and discovers services in a centralized register mechanism, which brings a critical problem that more services come to being more complex and difficult the service discovery and subscription become. A two-layered agent based model for semantic service discover in P2P environment is proposed in this paper to address the problem. The model implements semantic service discovery through two-layered agent mechanism and provides QoS negotiation mechanism. Experiments indicate the model has a high recall rate and precision rate.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期118-120,128,共4页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70771077)
关键词 P2P网络 社区 代理 服务匹配 服务质量 P2P networks community agent service match QoS
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