
美国《破产法》改革的意义及其对中国的启示 被引量:2

The Significance and Enlightenment of U.S. "Bankruptcy Law" Reform to China
摘要 本文对2005年美国破产法改革进行研究发现,改革以前的个人破产法对债务人更有利,它为债务人提供了逃避债务的方便通道,鼓励了消费者借款消费,并允许债务人在具有偿债能力的情况下通过一定手段申请破产。改革以后的破产法对债权人更有利。美国个人破产法改革能引导广大消费者理性消费,对那些过度借贷消费的行为进行惩罚,同时能更好地保护债权人的权益,因此有利于控制消费信贷市场风险,促进消费信贷市场健康发展,对我国消费信贷市场发展有重要的启示作用。 This article, based on a study of reform of U.S. Bankruptcy Law in 2005, discovers that the U.S. personal bankruptcy law prior tothe reform is more favorable to the debtor. Old law provides consumers with an easy route from debt, encourages consumers to borrow and debtors to file for bankruptcy when not able to afford bills. New bankruptcy law is more favorable to the creditor because it guides consumers to consume rationally, punishes over- borrowing consumption and better protects the interest of creditors. Therefore, reform of U.S. personal bankruptcy law is conducive to risk control and healthy development of consumer credit market. It also sheds some light on the development of China's consumer credit market.
作者 胡少华
出处 《上海金融》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期69-72,共4页 Shanghai Finance
关键词 破产法 改革 消费信贷 Bankruptcy Law Reform Consumer Credit
  • 相关文献


  • 1Elias,Stephen.2006.The New Bankruptcy:Will it work for you?Nolo Press
  • 2Flynn,Ed,and Gorden Bermant.2002.“Bankruptcy by the Numbers: A Tale of Two Chapters:Financial Data.”American Bankruptcy Institute Jourual,21 (8),pages 20 and 38
  • 3汪利娜.美国次级抵押贷款危机的警示[J].财经科学,2007(10):1-8. 被引量:47


  • 1Letter of Congress of the United States to Chairman Bernake,May 15,2007.
  • 2Fitch Ratings," Limited Direct Impact on Asia-Pacific Banks from Sub-prime Exposure",Aug.27,2007.
  • 3Elizabeth Renuart,"An Overview of the Predatory Mortgage Lending Process",Housing Policy Debate,Vol 15,Issus 3.,2004.
  • 4MBA Policy Paper Series 2007-1.
  • 5Chairman Alan Greenspan Remarks on Home Mortgage Market,March 4,2003.
  • 6Housing Policy Debate Vol.15,Issue 3,2004.



  • 1陈云良,梁杰:《2005年美国破产法修改与世界金融危机--兼论破产法的经济调节功能》,载《北大法律网》,http://article.chinalawinfo.corn/Article-Detail.asp?ArticleID一63017,2012-7-9访问.
  • 2For example, Krugman (2005) condemns BAPCPA as another step toward 'privatization of risk" that takes U.S. society a step further toward a "debt - peonage. " Rhetoric over BABPCA echoes the debates over welfare reform in the mid 1980s . The banking and credit--card companies that bankrolled the new law ".. want us to believe that it is designed to capture wild spenders who finance lavish lifestyles before ducking behind the pro- tection of bankruptcy when the bills come due. But this contemporary retelling of the myth of the welfare queendissolves under scrutiny . ( New York Times , October 3, 2005).
  • 3Consumer spending accounts for roughly two--thirds of aggregate U.S. spending, much of it financed by debt so any change in consumer credit markets automatically matters for aggregate spending. The hardening of U. S. law will also affect hospitals, whose claims on unin- sured patients are discharged under chapter 7.
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