

Peer-to-Peer Network Model with Three-tier Topology Based on Auto Clustering
摘要 在传统的两层混合式P2P结构中,超级节点不仅要负责管理查询消息路由,而且还要对节点文件进行管理,这样很容易使超级节点的网络负载过大。同时,超级节点的简单指定方式容易引起虚拟拓扑网络与实际物理网络不匹配,更不能利用节点的兴趣局部性。针对传统两层混合式P2P模型的不足,提出了新的三层结构P2P网络模型。这种模型将超级节点的文件管理和消息路由功能分别交给两种不同的专属节点来处理,同时考虑节点的实际物理位置,并采用基于节点属性特征的自组织管理机制使节点自聚成簇,自适应地改进自身的搜索性能。实验结果表明,三层结构P2P模型能更有效地进行资源组织,提供高效的资源搜索。 Super nodes of conventional hybrid P2P structure, which is two-tier topology, may overload because they mange both query routing and file management. The oversimplified way of generating a super node may bring mismatch between overlay topology and geography locality, and it also can not display the interests in neighborhoods. A P2P net- work model with three-tier topology based on auto clustering was proposed. In the model, two functions of super nodes in two-tier topology, file management and query routing, were disposed by two kinds of nodes respectively, and geography localities of nodes were considered. Nodes in P2P networks are able to self-organize based on their characters. Auto clustering was constructed to improve the performance. The experiment implies that the P2P network model with three tier topology based on auto clustering is able to organize resources effectively and provide efficient search.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期66-69,共4页 Computer Science
关键词 自组织 对等网 三层结构 属性特征 Cluster, Self-organized, P2P,Three-tier topology,Character
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