
一种利用继承关系的业务服务实例化方法 被引量:1

Instantiation Method of Business Service Utilizing Inherited Relationship
摘要 随着面向服务计算技术的日渐普及,通过互联网提供的科研领域的Web服务也越来越多,目前仅在生物信息领域可统计到的Web服务数量就超过3000个。然而,怎样在业务层上将最终用户的个性化需求快速实例化到具体的Web服务,成为很多专业工作者关心的问题,生物信息领域尤其突出。为了解决这个问题,提出一种利用继承关系的业务服务实例化方法,该方法基于我们前期工作中提出的抽象服务形式——业务服务,通过对基类业务服务的继承操作构建表达最终用户个性化需求的子类业务服务,同时建立了两个业务服务之间的继承关系,并且利用这种继承关系将最终用户的个性化需求快速实例化到具体的Web服务。 As the prevalence of Service-oriented Computing, the number of Web services through internet in scientific research field gradually grows more and more. At present, the number of Web service exceeds 3000 in biological field. However, how to map the personalized requirement of end-user into corresponding Web service rapidly on business layer is concerned by many specialists,especially in biologic field. To solve the problem, the paper proposed an instantiation method of business service utilizing inherited relationship. The method is based on an achived business model---business service,is constructing subclass business service which expresses the personalized requirement of end-user by inherited operations on base class business service, at the same time, inherited relationship is established between the two business services, and it can map the requirement of end-user into corresponding Web service rapidly utilizing the inherited relationship.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期137-141,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60573117) 山东省“泰山学者”专项基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目:需求导向的服务资源交互与协同(2007CB310805)资助
关键词 面向服务计算 业务服务 继承关系 实例化 SOC (Service Oriented Computing), Business service, Inherited relationship, Instantiation
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