

A multi-hop clustering protocol for Ad hoc network
摘要 开发针对MANET网络的分簇路由协议已经成为目前移动自组织网研究的热点和难点,本文对现有的分簇路由协议CBRP的分簇算法以及路由查找方式进行改进,提出了基于多跳分簇的路由协议2HCBRP,最后利用NS2仿真平台,验证了2HCBRP具有延时短,路由开销小,数据传输率高等特点。 The development of clustering routing protocol for MANET network has become a hot and difficult point in the field of current mobile network. This paper mainly discuses the improvements of clustering routing named CBRP in clustering algorithm and the find of routing, and propose a new routing protocol 2HCBRP based on multi-hop cluster. Finally, the simulation results in NS2 confirm that the proposed protocol has superior performance.
作者 陶成 臧春华
出处 《仪器仪表用户》 2009年第1期126-128,共3页 Instrumentation
关键词 多跳分簇路由协议 2HCBRP AD HOC NS2 multi-hop clustering protocol, 2HCBRP, Ad Hoc, NS2
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