
导师制:引领专家型教师成长的有效范式——厦门市小学专家型教师培养的研究与实践 被引量:3

Tutorial System:an Effective Mode for the Development of Expert Teachers——Research and Practice of Fostering Expert Teachers in the Primary Schools in Xiamen City
摘要 导师制既有指导针对性强、导师与被指导者接触密切和指导持续时间长等优势,也有对导师责任心依赖过大、易陷入单打独斗局面等不足。中小学专家型教师的培养实行导师制,可充分利用其优势,因人制宜促进培养对象专业发展个性化,利用缄默知识提升其科研能力,全程指导提供持久的发展动力;同时也应采取加强监管、分工合作、开放学习系统等各种必要措施,防患和弥补导师制的不足,扬长避短才能有效促进专家型教师成长。 The tutorial system has such advantages as strong guidance, close contact between the tutor and the one tutored, and a long period of guidance. There also exits such a disadvantage as too much reliance on the tutor' s responsibility which can easily lead to a situation in which the tutor has to work all the time. If the tutorial system is adopted to foster the expert teachers in both primary schools and middle schools, the following goals can be achieved: i) to promote the object' s individuality in his major development based on the individual; ii) to help enhance his ability in scientific research with the tutor' s recessive knowledge ; iii) to provide long - term power for the object' s development through all - round guidance. Meanwhile, in order to avoid and remedy the deficiency of tutorial system, measures must be taken like reinforcement of management, work division and cooperation, open study system. Only by making full use of the advantages and avoiding the disadvantages can we promote the development of expert teachers in an effective way.
出处 《集美大学学报(教育科学版)》 2009年第1期6-10,共5页 Journal of Jimei University:Education Science Edition
基金 厦门市教育局资助项目"厦门市小学专家型教师培养的研究与实践"项目
关键词 导师制 专家型教师 专业成长 范式 tutorial system expert teachers major development mode
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