
RTD多值逻辑(MVL)电路 被引量:1

Multiple-Value Logic(MVL) Circuits Based on RTDs
摘要 RTD具有双稳和自锁特性,用RTD构成电路可节省大量器件,这一优点在构建多值逻辑电路(MVL RTD)时显得尤为突出。在引用"遏止"概念的基础上介绍了几种典型的MVL RTD电路,包括多幅输入脉冲信号具有选幅功能的文字逻辑门、能提供三个不同电平输出的三态反相器、将一输入斜坡电压信号变成脉冲输出信号的折线量化器等电路;用"遏止"概念分析了异或门电路的工作原理。 A large number of devices are saved to form the circuits based on RTDs which has the features of bistability and self-latch. RTDs come into prominence to form multiple-valued logic (MVL) circuits particularly. Several typical MVL circuits are introduced based on the concept of "quenching", such as literal gates, ternary inverters and the fold-quantizer. A definite amplitude pulse output voltage is gotten when the multiple amplitude pulse input signal is given in the literal gate. Three different voltage levels are provided at the output terminal in the ternary inverter. A input ramp voltage is converted into a pulse output signal by the fold-quantizer. The operation principle of XOR gate circuits is analyzed by "quenching" concept.
作者 郭维廉
出处 《微纳电子技术》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第1期10-15,共6页 Micronanoelectronic Technology
关键词 RTD MVL电路 RTD异或门 文字逻辑门 三态反相器 折线量化器 “遏止”概念 RTD MVL circuits RTD XOR gate literal gate ternary inverter fold-quantizer concept of quenching
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