
东亚货币一体化可行性研究:基于层次设权方法的分析 被引量:5

Feasibility Study of East Asia Monetary Integration: Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process
摘要 由次贷危机引发的全球性金融危机再次引发了人们对区域经济协调和货币一体化的讨论,文章应用层次设权方法(AHP)计算了东亚十个国家和地区的经济特征指数和区域经济一体化指数,并与20世纪60年代欧共体成立时的情形进行了比较。结论表明,尽管亚洲最优货币区的建立尚存在大量障碍需要克服,但东亚地区已经初步具备经济一体化的基础。 Global financial crisis caused by subordinate loan stimulates the discussion on regional economic coordination and optimal monetary integration. This paper calculates the economic characteristic index and regional economic integration index of ten countries and areas in East Asia through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) , comparing it with that of European Community in 1960s. The conclusion indicates that East Asia possesses basic conditions for economy integration, although there are still many obstacles on the way towards the establishment of optimal monetary region.
作者 徐斌 周少东
出处 《当代经济管理》 2009年第1期81-84,共4页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 国家社科基金<中国产业安全链重构:突破跨国"链主"纵向控制的理论和对策研究>(08BJY081) 教育部人文社会科学重大项目<长江三角洲地区R&D的行为模式和技术转移问题研究>(06JJ790018)
关键词 东亚 最优货币区 层次分析法 经济一体化 East Asia optimal monetary region Analytical Hierarchy Process economic integration
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