
一种新的无收据的电子投票方案 被引量:1

New Receipt-free Electronic Voting Scheme
摘要 给出无收据性的定义,并证明满足无收据性的充分必要条件.利用同态ElGamal加密、门限ElGamal加密和零知识证明等技术,设计一个高效的电子投票方案.该方案满足广泛可验证性和无收据性,同时还能保证选票内容的秘密性和投票者的合法性等性质.并且同以前方案不同的是,新方案降低了对可信任第三方的安全要求,因此更符合实际要求. This paper first gives out definition of receipt-freeness, and prove necessary and sufficient condition of receipt-freeness. Then by employing homomorphic EIGamal encryption, threshold ElGamal encryption and zero-knowledge proof, this paper designs an efficient electronic voting scheme, which satisfies universal verifiability, receipt-freeness, also eligibility, privacy and so on. Different from the previous protocols, there needs less security requirement on "trusted third party" in the new scheme, which is more practical.
作者 郑丽 王箭
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期380-384,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
关键词 同态ElGamal加密 门限ElGamal加密 零知识证明 无收据性 homomorphic ElGamal encryption threshold ElGamal encryption zero-knowledge proof receipt-freeness
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