
参附注射液在体外循环中对心肌保护的作用——附39例资料分析 被引量:1

The Observation of Protection of Cardiac Muscle of Shenfu Injection in Extracorporeal Circulation
摘要 目的观察参附注射液用于体外循环中对心肌保护的作用。方法选择体外循环手术患者76例随机分为观察组与对照组,观察组于麻醉诱导时、体外循环转流(CPB)前及主动脉开放时分别静滴参附注射液0.6ml/kg,对照组全过程不用参附注射液;监测心脏复跳情况,心电图、心律失常(房颤、室颤、房室传导阻滞),有无使用电除颤、心电图S-T段改变及T波的变化,并记录两组年龄、心功能分级、CPB时间及主动脉阻断时间。结果两组的年龄、心功能分级、CPB时间及主动脉阻断时间均无显著差异;两组心脏复跳率观察组100%,对照组为86.49%;观察组心律失常5.13%,对照组18.92%;观察组电除颤2.56%,对照组13.51%,观察组S-T段及T波改变2.56%,对照组16.22%;观察组心脏自动复跳率高,心律失常、电除颤少,心电图ST-T段变化小。结论参附注射液用于体外循环时对心肌有良好的保护作用。 Objective: To observe the protection of cardiac muscle of Shenfu Injection in extracorporeal circulation (CPB) . Methods: 76 patients with CPB were randomly divided into the treatment group and control group. The treatment group was injected Shenfu Injection during the induction of anesthesia and before CPB. The control group was in routine therapy. The heart auto - jump rate, ECG, arrhythmia, electric defibrillation, S - T and T wave changes of ECG, CPB and aortic clamping time, patients' age, and cardiac function were recorded. Results: The patients' age, cardiac function, CPB and aortic clamping time were no significant difference. The heart auto -jump rate was treatment group 100%, control group 86.49%. The arrhythmia was treatment group 5. 13%, control group 18.92%. The electric defibrillation was treatment group 2.56%, control group 13.51%. The S -T and T wave changes of ECG was treatment group 2.56%, control group 16.22%. Conclusion: Shenfu Injection benefits cardiac muscle protection in CPB.
作者 卢彬 李强
出处 《中国中医急症》 2009年第2期221-221,223,共2页 Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 体外循环 心肌保护 参附注射液 CPB Cardiac muscle protection Shenfu Injection
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