
美国高校录取中的非学术因素 被引量:2

Non-academic Factors in the US College Admission
摘要 美国高校在录取新生时非常看重学业成绩等学术因素,但也关注且近年来日益强调学生的个性特征等非学术品质。这主要是由于美国的两项重要研究,即个性特征等非学术品质与大学学业成功关系密切。另外,美国高校日益强调多样性、国际化等办学理念,这也对高校录取工作产生了重要影响。近年来,对处境不利背景学生以及挑战不利处境的能力等品质的日益关注,使高校在录取时对学生的家庭背景、社会经济背景等非学术因素也日益重视起来。美国高校录取工作中关于非学术因素的地位、价值与使用方面的研究与实践,值得我们关注、深入研究与有选择地借鉴。 Besides academic factors, non-academic factors are also becoming very important in the US college admission. This is due to the two important researches showing the close connection between personal qualities and academic success in colleges. Still, more and more emphasis on diversity and internationalization also has had great influence on college admission. In recent years, people pay more and more attention to the disadvantaged students and their potential in challenging which also promote colleges to think highly of applicants' family background and socio- economic background. Researches on the position, value and application of nonacademic factors and their practice in the US college admission deserve our attention, deep research and borrowing.
作者 任长松
出处 《教育理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期24-29,共6页 Theory and Practice of Education
关键词 高校录取 学术因素 非学术因素 个性特征 college admission academic factors non-academic factors personal qualities
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