

Frequency Power Partition Scheme in the Broadband Multi-cell Cellular Networks
摘要 该文考虑小区间业务均匀分布,提出了频谱功率分割(Frequency Power Partition,FPP)机制:小区间频率复用因子为1,2/3的频谱为低功率频谱,剩余频谱为高功率频谱,且相邻小区的高功率频谱相互正交。结合FPP特点,从吞吐量和公平性角度出发,分别提出了基于影响度的频谱分配(Influence-based Frequency Allocation,IFA)算法和基于收益与影响度的频谱分配(Profitability-and-Influence based Frequency Allocation,PIFA)算法。最后考虑到小区内用户和业务分布的不均匀性,设计了一种简单的功率控制机制。仿真和分析结果表明与软频率复用(SFR)相比,FPP+IFA和FPP+PIFA分别使系统吞吐量和公平性得到较大改善,且功率控制机制进一步提高了用户和业务分布不均匀时的系统吞吐量。 Frequency Power Partition (FPP) scheme is proposed by considering the uniform distribution of the services among the cells. In FPP, the frequency reuse factor of one is used among the cells. In each cell, two third of the frequency is transmitted by the lower power; while the left is used by the higher power and orthogonal among the neighboring cells. According to the features of FPP, Influence-based Frequency Allocation (IFA) scheme and Profitability-and-Influence based Frequency Allocation (PIFA) scheme are proposed from the viewpoint of the throughput and the fairness, respectively. Finally, a simple power control scheme is designed by considering the uneven distribution of users and services in the cell. The simulation and analysis results indicate compared to the Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR), FPP+IFA and FPP+PIFA could obtain the large improvement on system throughput and fairness, respectively, and the power control scheme could improve the system throughput further when the users and services are distributed unevenly in the cell.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期18-22,共5页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20050004033) 北京交通大学科技基金(2005SM006)资助课题
关键词 无线通信 频谱功率分割 频率复用因子 软频率复用 影响度 收益 Wireless communication Frequency Power Partition (FPP) Frequency reuse factor Soft frequency reuse Influence Profitability
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