
自主-受控动机效应及应用 被引量:39

Autonomous-Controlled Motivation Effects and Their Application
摘要 自我决定论是一种新的动机认知理论,它将动机区分为自主动机和受控动机。由受控动机到自主动机是一个连续体。在这个连续体上依据自主程度的高低分布着5种不同类型的动机。大量的研究表明不同类型动机之间存在不同的效应。而在实际应用中,要实现由受控动机向自主动机的转化,自主支持的环境是被证实的一个重要的因素。未来研究除了在研究方法上加以改进之外,在促进动机内化的具体应用研究方面还要进行更深入的探讨。而国内本土化研究则刚刚起步,有待于加强。 Self-determination theory (SDT) is a new cognitive theory of motivation. SDT maintains that motivation can be divided into autonomous motivation and controlled motivation. And these two motivations are not necessarily opposite dimensions but, rather, relate to each other in a quasi-simplex fashion. SDT also posits that there are five different types of motivation that vary according to their level of autonomy, which reflects the aspects of quality of motivation. A great number of studies show that autonomous motivation and controlled motivation have different effects, and autonomy supportive contexts are the most important factors proved to facilitate motivation internalization. Future studies should improve on the research methods, and be more conducted on the application studies. Besides, more studies based on the Chinese culture are needed.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期197-203,共7页 Advances in Psychological Science
关键词 自我决定论 自主-受控动机 自主支持 self-determination theory autonomous -controlled motivation autonomy support
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