
中学生有关吸烟问题的调查分析及干预需求 被引量:1

Investigation and Analysis of KAP on Smoking among Adolescents and the Needs for Intervention
摘要 通过对2所中学学生有关吸烟问题的KAP的抽样调查,结果显示:中学生吸烟率为0.33%,男生为0.69%,女生为0。67.4%的吸烟者的吸烟动机是出于好奇。相信或非常相信吸烟有害健康,吸烟量越大、时间越长对健康危害越大的人数比分别达到97.3%和96.8%。95.2%的中学生赞同吸烟是一种不良习惯,76.8%的中学生支持在校园内禁烟。说明在中学生中开展控烟活动非常必要而且有良好的群众基础。 Through our investigating of student's KAP on smoking in two middle schools in Xuhui District .Shanghai, the results suggested:the smoking rate of students is 0.33%,the males' 0.69%,the females' 0. 67. 4% of the smokers used cigarette origionally for curiosity. The rates of students of believe or very believe that smoking is harmful for health and that the more the smoking and the longer the time of cigarette using,the more harmful for people's health,were 97. 3% and 96. 8%separately. 95.2% of the students agreed that smoking is a bad habit, 76. 8% supported to create a no - smoking school. All above shows it's necessary to launch a smokefree movement in adolescents and it's possible.
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 1998年第6期46-47,共2页 Chinese Primary Health Care
关键词 中学生 吸烟 KAP 健康教育 adolescents, smoking, KAP
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