
农民资金互助组织影响因素的实证分析:农户参与的视角 被引量:9

The Empirical Analyses of Factors Influencing the Development of Rural Mutual Fund Organizations: From the Perspective of Farmers’ Participation
摘要 农户是否参与农民资金互助组织受到多种因素的影响,确定其中的主要影响因素是值得研究的问题。本文从农户作为决策主体的角度,选择了多个解释变量,运用因子分析工具对其进行分解,排除了多种因素之间的共线性;并且将提炼出的7个公因子对农户的参与行为进行逻辑回归,得出农民的认识能力(或接受能力),农户的经济活动规模,农户的行为累积结果,农民的社会评价,农户的剩余资金流向对农户的参与行为有显著影响,其中农户的行为累积结果对参与行为的影响最明显。 Whether the farmers are involved in the rural mutual fund is influenced by many factors, finding the main factors is a valuable thing. From the point of viewing the farmers as decision-makers, the paper chooses several explanatory variables, using factor analysis tools for their decomposition, and ruling out the multicollinearity. Then it uses extracted seven common factors to make logistic regression for farmers' participation behavior. The result is that the farmers' participation is influenced significantly by the farmers' understanding capacity size of economic activity, cumulative behavior results, evaluation of community, and rest capital flows. The effect of farmers' cumulative behavior results is most significant.
出处 《安徽农学通报》 2009年第2期13-16,30,共5页 Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 教育部人文社会科学一般项目"促进农民合作金融组织健康发展研究"(项目编号:07JA790044) 国家社科重点项目(编号07AJL011)
关键词 农户参与 资金互助 因子分析 Logi stic回归 farmers' participation mutual fund factor analysis logistic regression
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