目的:研究艾蒿花粉粗提物(MPE)和其主要成分之一artemisia vulgaris 1(Art V1)能否诱导豚鼠过敏反应,为艾蒿花粉过敏症研究建立动物模型。方法:艾蒿花粉粗提物或Art V1混悬于佐剂氢氧化铝凝胶中,每间隔10 d致敏豚鼠1次,共4次,然后以艾蒿花粉粗提物或Art V1抗原滴鼻诱发鼻炎症状。气道高反应性(AHR)、炎症细胞和肺组织病理的观察于Art V1气雾攻击5 d后,以乙酰甲胆碱(Mch)气雾吸入激发AHR,测定气道阻力和动态肺顺应性,计数和分类计数支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中的炎症细胞,观察肺组织病理学改变。结果:Art V1组豚鼠在抗原激发下喷嚏次数和抓鼻次数显著增加,吸入Mch后气道阻力明显增加,动态肺顺应性明显降低,Mch气雾吸入可激发AHR;MPE组豚鼠喷嚏次数有所增加,气道反应性有所升高;两组BALF和病理切片均显示明显的嗜酸性粒细胞和中性粒细胞浸润。结论:艾蒿花粉粗提物和其主要成分Art V1均能诱导豚鼠过敏反应,Art V1致敏效果明显优于艾蒿粗提物。该模型的建立有利于过敏性疾病机制和治疗新药的研究。
AIM: Mugwort pollen is a known allergen source in pollen -related respiratory allergy. Artemisia vulgaris 1 ( Art V1 ) is the major allergen of mugwort pollen. The aim of this study was to establish a guinea pig model of allergy by sensitization with recombinant Art V1 or mugwort pollen extract (MPE) allergen. METHODS: Guinea pigs were repeatedly sensitized by subcutaneous plus intraperitoneal injections of either alum - adsorbed MPE or Art V1 every 10 d for four doses. Control guinea pigs were injected with alum adjuvant following the same schedule. Ten days after the last sensitization, MPE or Art V1 sensitized guinea pigs were challenged by instilling MPE or Art V1 intranasally. The number of sneezes and nasal rubbing was counted immediately after intranasal challenging. To measure inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), guinea pigs were repeatedly challenged by once daily aerosol antigen from 51 -55 d. Infiltration of eosinophils into airway and lung tissue was examined by pathology and bronchoalveolar lavage. Airway response to methacholine (Mch) was assessed by whole -body plethysmography. RESULTS: Allergen challenge with either Art V1 or MPE in sensitized guinea pigs significantly increased the number of sneezes and nasal rubbing compared to controls. Guinea pigs in Art V1 group but not in MPE group showed a significant increase in lung resistance (RL) and decrease in lung dynamic compliance ( Cdyn ) after Mch provocation. The number of inflammatory cells including eosinophil markedly increased in BALF and pathological section of lung tissue in MPE group after repeated antigen challenge, more significant changes were observed in Art V1 group. CONCLUSION: Either Art V1 or MPE is able to induce allergy in guinea pigs, but Art V1 shows potent immunological effects. This model is a useful tool in studying the mechanisms of allergic disease and novel therapeutics.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology
Mugwort pollen
Guinea pigs
Models, animal