目的:探讨急性前葡萄膜炎(acute anterior uveitis,AAU)与人类白细胞抗原(human leucolyte antigen,HLA-B27)的相关性。方法:应用聚合酶链反应(sequence special prime polymer-ase chain reaction,SSP-PCR)基因检测技术,对AAU患者进行HLA-B27基因检测,观察HLA-B27阳性与阴性AAU临床特征并加以分析。结果:在36例AAU患者中,HLA-B27抗原阳性29例,阳性率81%,37例健康对照组,阳性9例,阳性率24%,两者有显著性差异(χ2=23.12,P<0.01)。结论:HLA-B27与AAU明显相关,HLA-B27阳性与阴性患者有一定程度的差异,常伴有全身脊柱关节病,采用SSP-PCR基因检测技术测定HLA-B27快速、简单、准确性高、客观性强,值得推广应用。
AIM: To evaluate the association between HLA-B27antigen and acute anterior uveitis. METHODS: The method of sequnce special prime- polymerase chain reaction (SSP-PCR) was used to detect HLA-B27 from patients with acute anterior uveitis (AAU). And a clinical conparison was performed between HLA-B27 positive and negative patients group. RESULTS: In 36 patients with AAU, 29 patients (81%) were with HLA-B27 gene and 9 patients (24%) of 37 normal objectives were with HLA-B27 gene. The difference between two groups was significant (Χ^2 = 23.12, P〈 0.01 ). CONCLUSION: The results reconfirm previous speculation that AAU is in close association with HLA-B27. The method of HLA-B27 gene typing by SSP-PCR is more rapid inexpensive and exact than the old method. Further analysis also indicats that there are some differences between HLA-B27 positive AAU based on their cinical features.
International Eye Science