
LASIK术后主导眼及其视力变化对视觉舒适度影响的研究 被引量:8

Study of ocular dominance's changes in myopic patient after LASIK
摘要 目的:评价LASIK术前近视眼患者主导眼分布、术后主导眼及其视力变化对视觉舒适度的影响。方法:选择拟行LASIK手术的近视眼患者118例(236眼),术前用卡洞法行主导眼检查,全部患者分别在术后2,4wk;2,3mo检查主导眼眼别及主导眼和非主导眼的视力;术后2mo按主导眼和非主导眼的视力情况分4组,接受近距离工作主觉症状及远距离视疲劳症状调查表的调查。结果:LASIK术前近视眼患者主导眼分布以右眼为主(70.3%);术前主导眼眼别与最佳裸眼视力眼别一致性差(n=67,kappa值=0.148,P=0.140),两者符合率为55.2%;术前主导眼眼别与最高屈光度眼眼别一致性差(n=109,kappa值=-0.16,P=0.007),两者符合率为42.2%;118例近视眼患者LASIK术后第2,4wk;2,3mo均未出现主导眼眼别的调换;4组比较而言,LASIK术后主导眼视力变化对视觉舒适度未产生显著影响。结论:近视人群主导眼分布以右眼为主,且主导眼与性别、最佳裸眼视力眼眼别、屈光度高低无显著相关;近视眼患者LASIK术后3mo主导眼眼别未发生改变;LASIK术后部分患者主导眼与非主导眼视力发生变化,这种变化对视觉舒适度未产生影响。 AIM: To evaluate the distribution of myopic patients's ocular dominance before LASIK operation and the effect of ocular dominance and its visual acuity changes on euphoropsia after LASIK operation. METHODS: A total of 118 myopic patients (236 eyes) who were going to undergo myopic LASIK were included in this study. The ocular dominance was examined by card-hole method before LASIK operation. The ocular dominance and its visual activity of all patients were checked at 2, 4 weeks, 2 and 3 months after operation. According to visual acuity, the patients were divided into four groups and accepted questionaires investigation. RESULTS: The right ocular dominance was common in myopic patients, occupying 70. 3%. There was bad consistency between ocular dominance and best corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) eye (n=67, kappa=0.148, P=0.140), the coincidence was 55.2%. The ocular dominance and the highest diopter eye had bad consistency (n = 109, kappa=-0. 16, P= 0. 007), the coincidence was 42.2%; There weren't any changes of ocular dominance in all 118 cases at 2, 4 weeks, 2 and 3 months after operation. There were no significant differences among 4 groups for 2 kinds of questionaires. CONCLUSION: There are more right ocular dominance in myopic patients and this distribution has no significant correlation between ocular dominance and gender, BSCVA eye and the highest diopter eye. There aren't any changes of ocular dominance after LASIK operation. The changes of ocular dominance's visual activity has few effects on euphoropsia.
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2009年第1期107-110,共4页 International Eye Science
关键词 主导眼 视觉舒适度 LASIK 屈光 ocular dominance euphoropsia LASIK refraction
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