
急性结膜炎愈后主诉干眼症状泪膜稳定性初探 被引量:12

Study on the changes of tear film with dry eye symptom after recovery from acute conjunctivitis
摘要 目的:探讨急性结膜炎愈后的患者出现眼干涩、异物感、热灼感等干眼症状的泪膜稳定性的原因和因素。并就其可能发生的原因和因素进行分析和讨论。方法:选择45例(78眼)确诊为急性结膜炎的患者,经常规治疗在自然病程内痊愈后,并排除其他影响泪膜稳定性的因素,分别于愈后7,14,21,28d行泪膜破裂时间(BUT)测量、角膜荧光素染色(FL)、泪液分泌试验(SchimerItestST)、下睑中央泪河高度测量。结果:BUT分别为5.35,6.78,9.89,11.23s;FL评分分别为6.75,7.02,6.98,6.01;ST分别为10.48,11.09,12.23,13.89mm;泪河高度分别为0.30,0.32,0.34,0.44mm。结论:急性结膜炎由于细菌、病毒感染或药物治疗的一些因素,在其痊愈后可能会导致泪膜稳定性下降而出现干眼的一些症状甚而发生干眼症。因此,对急性结膜炎的治疗以及愈后泪膜稳定性的观察要给予必要的重视。 AIM : To investigate the factors of tear film changes with dry eye symptom after recovery from acute conjunctivitis. METHODS: The clinical data of 45 cases (78 eyes) with dry eye symptom after recovery from acute conjunctivitis were included. Excluded other factors which could affect the stability of the tear film, tear film break up time (BUT), Schirmer Itest (ST), fluorescein staining (FL) and the beight of tear meniscus were measured on recovered of patients at 7, 14, 21 and 28 day after recovery. RESUTLS : BUT was 5.35, 6.78, 9.89 and 11.23 seconds in recovered eyes at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days, FL was 6.75, 7.02, 6.98 and 6.01, ST was 10.48, 11. 09, 12.23 and 13.89, beight of tear meniscus was 0. 3, 0. 32, 0. 34 and 0. 44. CONCLUSION: Because of germ virus and drug, unstable of tear film and dry eye symptom can occur after recovery from acute conjunctivitis. So, well do our best to pay attention to these factors.
作者 刘晓宁 周敏
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2009年第1期169-171,共3页 International Eye Science
关键词 结膜炎 干眼症状 泪膜 conjunctivitis tear film dry eye symptom
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