
飞机尾流的快速建模方法 被引量:12

Fast modeling method for aircraft wake vortices
摘要 尾流的强度主要由飞机的飞机重量、飞行速度和机翼形状所决定和仿真尾流的保守被动模型可很好的描述尾流系统中水蒸汽、位温等保守被动量的运动演化规律,但这种参数仿真时间长、对计算机要求高,不能实时预测任一机型所产生的尾流的状态分布特性.为此提出了一种尾流的快速建模方法,很好的解决了以往尾流实时仿真时的缺点,为飞机飞行过程中实时预测前机尾流的影响区域提供理论依据,从而减少尾流事故的发生. The mass, velocity and wing shape of the aircraft decide the intensity of wake vortex. The passive conservative model can better depict the movement evolution rule of wa ter vapor and potential temperature in wake vortices. Since parametric studies are computationally expensive to the large amount of CPU time per simulation. In addition, it can't forecast the state distribution characteristic of any aircraft wake vortex in a real-time manner. Therefore, a fast modeling method for aircraft wake vortex was presented. It has solved the problems, such as the high request for computer time, long simulation time and lack of real time simulation. This can provide a theoretical basis to avoid former airplane's wake vortex and reduce the wake accident.
出处 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期110-115,共6页 Journal of Aerospace Power
关键词 飞机尾流 保守被动量 对流扩散方程 快速建模方法 尾流可视化仿真 aircraft wake vortex passive-conservative value convection-diffusion equation fast modeling method wake vortex visual simulation
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