Five hundreds and eighteen patiens breast cancer(T 0 2 ,N 0 la ,M0)were treat at the center Rene Hugunin( scant cloud)between 1960 and 1980.335 patients treated axillary lymph node by radiotherapy only. Rates local relapse and survial at 5,10,15 years were respective 1 9%,3 2%,6 4% and 93%,86%,83%. For the 183 patients management by lower axillary dissection and irrdiation, rates recuence and survival at 5,10,15 years were respective 1 5%,5 8%,7 1% and 90%,80%,78%. Analysis of recurrences and survival differences of the two subtypes were not significant. Multiva riate analysis of the risk factor for local relapse showed that only age or lymph node status were significante, but, this is independent for the methods difference of management axillary.The arm oedem showed for radiotherapy alone 2 cases for surgery+irradiation 18 cases. So,to autuer's thinking:For age older than 55 years or N0, the treatement axilly lymph node by radiotherpy with low risk and high qualite surval was reasonable. For younger or N1a, the need for adjuvant therapy (chemotherapy and/or homonotherapy)is obvious. The strong prognostic value of axillary lymph node status in patients with breast cancer overshadow hight side effects after axillary dissction. Thoughe this is a reasonnable conclusion thet positive lymph node is based on the adjuvant therapy. But, with the growing implementation of breast cancer screening programmes, and with the more favourable stage spectrum of newly detected breast cancers, axillary Lymph nords.
Journal of Guiyang Medical College